How to use LEFT, RIGHT & MID Formulas in Excel

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In this post you will learn How to use LEFT, RIGHT & MID Formulas in Excel

  1.  The LEFT formula is used to extract text from left side of left string.
  2.  The RIGHT formula is used to extract text starting from right side.
  3. The MID formula is used to extrat text middle of text.

How to use LEFT, RIGHT & MID Formulas in Excel

LEFT formula 


The Excel function extract to given number of characters from the left side of a supplied text string.




text – The text from which to extract characters.

Num_chars – the Number of character to extract starting on the left side of text.

         Note : If Num_chars is not provided. If  number character is greater than the number of characters available LEFT returns the                         entire text string.

Example of LEFT : So in first Example (according attached below image) I will write here, =LEFT and select the text which you want to take then press comma an write here number of character which you want to take from left I will write here 4 so this formula is getting the left 4 character.

(according attached below image)


RIGHT formula


The Excel RIGHT function extracts a given number of characters from the right side of a supplied text string.




text – The text from which to extract characters.

Num_chars – the Number of character to extract starting on the Right side of text

Note : If num_chars is not provided it defaults to 1. If num_chars is greater than the numbecharacters available .RIGHT return the entire text string.

Example of RIGHT :

 In the Example bellow I will show you how can you use RIGHT formula so have some sheet (according attached below image) so write here  =RIGHT and select the text which you want to get and write number of character and press enter.

MID formula


The Excel MID function extracts a given number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string.


=MID (text, start_num, num_chars)


textFrom the text that you want to extract specified characters.

start_numStarting position of the middle string.

[num_chars]The number of characters you want to extract from the start-num.

Example of MID

 In the Example bellow I will show you example (according attached below image) you can see a image where a sentence but I want extract middle word of that sentence so write here

=(text,start_num,num_chars) and press enter.

(according attached below image)



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