How to use DateAdd Function in Excel VBA Easily (6 Examples)

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DateAdd Function in Excel VBA


So, as you know VBA DateAdd is a function that does addition or subtraction of time/date intervals. Today’s Post How to Use the DateAdd Function in Excel

The DateAdd function is a very useful function in VBA. It is very difficult to find out the date and time when you do some calculations on it. But in our daily work, it is an essential type of data that we can use. Comparison, addition, subtraction between different dates is some of the familiar operations that we perform.

The syntax for this function takes three arguments: interval, number, and date.

DateAdd(Interval as String, Number as Double, Date)

Interval – Interval is what kind of value you want to add or subtract. For example, whether you want to add a hours, whether you want to add or subtract month, whether you want to add or subtract a quarter, etc.

Number- Number of intervals you want to add. Use a positive number to add the interval with the given date and negative value to subtract the interval from the date. 

Date – The date on which you want to Add/Subtract the interval.

Interval Type Description
yyyy Year
q Quarter
m Month
y  Day of the year
d Day 
w Weekday
ww Week 
h Hour
n Minute
s Second

To understand for DateAdd Function in Excel VBA, we have to go to VBE Like last time, first go to the Developer Tab, then we will click on the Visual Basic option as shown in the image below.


On opening in VBE, you have to go to Insert and then Module has to be inserted, as can be seen in the image.


DateAdd Function for Years

To understand DateAdd Function in Excel VBA, we will write a subroutine for DateAdd Function in Excel VBA after inserting the module in VBE.

Sub UseDateAdd()

End Sub

After writing the subroutine we will define the variable

Sub UseDateAdd()
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

End Sub

Now I will Store time as Now in CurrentDate

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date 
Dim Result as Date 

Currentdate = Now
End Sub

Use debug. Print for printing CurrentDate

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date 
Dim Result as Date 

Currentdate = Now
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate
End Sub

Use Dateadd find the same date after two years from Current date Again debug.Print Result

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date 
Dim Result as Date 

Currentdate = Now
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate

Result = dateAdd("yyyy", 2, currentdate)
debug.Print "Result" & Result
End Sub

Click Run button,


Now you can see that we have used the value after 2 years and now the result is printed in the Immediate window.

dateAdd-FUnction-Excel-VBA (2)

DateAdd Function for Quarter

q is the value of quarter write the value for quarter and We will find the date by adding 2 quarters 1 quarter = 3 months

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate

Result = dateAdd("q", 2, currentdate)
End Sub

Again debug.Print Result

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate

Result = dateAdd("q", 2, currentdate)
debug.Print "Result" & Result
End Sub

Click Run button, now you can see that we have used the value after 2 quarter and now the result is printed in the Immediate window.

dateAdd-FUnction-Excel-VBA 3

DateAdd Function For Day

‘d’ is the value of Day now we will write the value for the Day and add 20 Days from currentdate.

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate 

Result = dateAdd("d", 20, currentdate)
End Sub

Use debug.print for printing result

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate 

Result = dateAdd("d", 20, currentdate) 
debug.Print "Result" & Result
End Sub

we keep watching in the immediate window and get the result by adding 20 days to the current date.


DateAdd Function For Week

“ww” is the value of week now we will write the value for the week and add 1 week from currentdate.

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate 

Result = dateAdd("ww", 1, currentdate)
End Sub

After clicking the run button, we keep watching in the immediate window and get the result by adding 1 week to the current date.

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate 

Result = dateAdd("ww", 1, currentdate) 
debug.Print "Result" & Result
End Sub

we keep watching in the immediate window and get the result by adding 20 days to the current date.

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DateAdd Function For Hours

‘h’ value is used for hours now 

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate
End Sub

Use dateadd function and debug.Print for print result

Sub UseDateAdd() 
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now 
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate

Result = dateAdd("h", 1, currentdate)
debug.Print "Result" & Result
End Sub

After clicking the run button, we keep looking in the immediate window and get the result by adding 1 hours to the current date.

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DateAdd Function in Excel For Minute

‘n’ value is used for minute now we will print result add 20 minutes from current time.

Sub UseDateAdd()
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate 
End Sub

Use dateadd function with ‘n’ value and debug.Print for print result.

Sub UseDateAdd()
Dim CurrentDate as Date
Dim Result as Date

Currentdate = Now
debug.Print "Current Date" & currentdate

Result = dateAdd("n", 20, currentdate) 
debug.Print "Result" & Result End Sub
End Sub

After clicking the run button, we keep looking in the immediate window and get the result by adding 20 minutes to the current time.

dateAdd-Function-Excel-VBA 5.png

So, I hope you have understood How to use DateAdd Function in Excel VBA and for more information, you can follow us on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube as well.



You can also see well-explained video here about DateAdd Function in Excel VBA 

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